It was Wednesday, my real estate coach was going to call me in 2 hours, and I was dreading the call. She would want to review my statistics and analyze my activity for the past weeks. Frankly, I had done very little, as I was unmotivated, and really struggling.
The call came, we spoke a little, and then she said, “Zelda you are bored”. She hit the nail right on that head. I was bored. However, I didn’t know what to do about that. I told her I was going to take 2 weeks off to figure out what direction I wanted to go.
I kept thinking maybe I need a different coach with a different approach. I didn’t want to hire the coaches that are the big brands in my industry – that was too canned. I wanted a one-on-one personal coach. Then I remembered a woman I had been following on social media for years. I valued her opinions. She always came across as genuine. I looked her up online and set up an appointment to chat for 30 minutes the following week.
Her call came and I was prepared. She asked me about myself, and we chatted. She gave me some ideas of things to do a little differently. She didn’t try to sell me on her programs – in fact she discouraged me from buying anything. She gave me an hour of her time even though I was only scheduled for 30 minutes. We ended the call with her saying, just schedule a time if I needed her in the future.
I believe our higher power puts people in our lives at the right time. I hung up from that call and was immediately ready to take some massive action. I was no longer stuck, no longer not motivated, no longer bored. I was excited to take action. I even knew what direction I wanted to move towards. This was my Aha moment.
A few days later, a friend that I had not heard from in a long time called to tell me she was reading a book and there was an excerpt in it that had her think about me. She encouraged me to get the book. The book by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy is called, 10x is Easier Than 2x. This book was just what I needed at that very moment, to put my plan into action.
When you are stuck, or things are not going right take a moment to think about who you may know or value that may be able to help guide you. Not everyone is going to be willing to help you and that’s ok too. I have reached out to people and asked their advice or opinion, and they ignored me. My attitude is simply, that’s ok, I just move on. You also have to be open and willing to pay people for their time. Afterall, these are people that are more skilled, have more experience, and they deserve to be fairly compensated. Not all will want to be paid but if they do don’t be mad or upset. They have the key that gets you in the direction to the success you are looking for. Your attitude needs to remain positive in your personal and professional life. A positive attitude will get your further and closer to the life you want to live.
© Copyright 2024. Zelda Greenberg